Did you know that although snoring can be common it can also contribute to higher blood pressure, heart conditions, strokes, altered mental status and cause daytime sleepiness.
Do you or someone you know snore when they sleep?
Snoring can be caused by numerous factors such as weight, mouth anatomy, alcohol consumption, allergies, nasal congestion, and sleep position.
Risk factors that may contribute to snoring:
1) Being a man- men are more likely to snore or have sleep apnea than women
2) Having a narrow airway or nasal problems
3) Being overweight
4) Drinking alcohol before bed
How to eliminate snoring
1) Exercise more and lose weight to help decrease the pressure of your abdomen on your organs.
2) Avoid alcohol before bed as it relaxes your throat muscles which can increase snoring.
3) Treat any nasal congestion by using nasal spray, humidifers, or nasal decongestants.
4) Avoid sleeping on your back. If possible sleep on your left side to increase oxygen flow.
5) Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night & raise the head of the bed by using an extra pillow to elevate your head.
6) Try nasal strips to help open your airways at night.
7) Talk to your doctor about a sleep apnea test and the potential need for a CPAP machine if you are continually snoring and have tried the above methods.
Have a great day,
Don’t hesitate to call Jenilee at 1-306-831-7418 to book your appointment for you or your loved one.