Acid Reflux

If you have ever experienced acid reflux you know that burning feeling all too well.

Sometimes it is just because of something you ate, being pregnant, having a hiatus hernia or just an imbalance in your gut biome. Some of you might even be on Proton Pump Inhibitors or antacids and think this is what you need for the rest of your life but this can be adjusted. 

When people take antacids or other medications to lower stomach acid, the pH of the stomach goes up, and production of the digestive enzyme pepsin goes down. This means your ability to digest proteins is reduced.

Why do we get acid reflux?

Overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut is one of the contributing causes of acid reflux. The overuse of antibiotics, pesticides in foods, processed foods, and artificial sweeteners can contribute to the overgrowth of bacteria. 

Research indicates a variety of complex causes including increased intra-abdominal pressure, excess carbohydrate consumption, and bacterial overgrowth.

Here are a few ways to help naturally fix it:

  1. Adjust your eating routine. Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Don't eat 2.5 hours before bed. Elevate your head while sleeping. 

  2. Eat more veggies, fruits, (unheated) olive oil, nuts, seeds, legumes, and some fish. Add in a greens powder for smoothies or yogurt (I recommend Botanica).

  3. Increase your digestive enzymes. Chew your food slowly. Supplement with a digestive enzyme that is taken before a meal or with a meal (NOW Super Enzymes)

  4. Avoid the triggering foods - alcohol, coffee, sodas and other carbonated beverages, fried or fatty foods, processed foods, citrus fruits, and spicy food. 

  5. Probiotics - help restore your gut health by adding in probiotic foods such as yogurt, fermented foods- sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, cheese, olives and sourdough bread. You can also take a probiotic supplement. 


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