Hot or Cold compress
Do you often wonder when to use heat or when to use cold for aches, pains, and injuries?
Whether you have a new injury, ache or pain or something you’ve had for a while, it’s good to know what might work best to help alleviate discomfort.
Cold compresses, help to constrict blood vessels, which decreases swelling, helps lessen pain, and can decrease bruising. These are best used on an acute or recent injury to help reduce inflammation. Cold packs are best used for any injury that has occurred within 6 weeks.
Heat helps relax muscles, relieves achy joints and allows blood to flow easier. This is best used on chronic injuries to help relieve pain.
Both cold and hot packs should be applied with the 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off rule, allowing our body a chance to have a break.
For someone who has arthritis that causes stiffness in joints, warm heat is often the best to help relax the muscles and joints. Try a warm shower or soak in the tub, or if you are able to a sauna.
Those suffering from gout are more likely to receive relieve from cold therapy as it can help numb the flare ups.
For those with tendinitis injuries (inflammation of tendons) often affecting knees, elbows, shoulders and hips, ice often helps relieve some inflammation and pain. These are typically chronic injuries.
Acute or recent muscle sprains/strains it is best to stick with ice as well to help reduce inflammation right off the start. Once inflammation has subsided, heat may help relieve stiffness.
Cold therapy can come in the form of ice packs, frozen vegetables or fruit, cold showers, or even cold wet facecloth to the site.
Heat therapy can come in the form of a warm bath or shower, heating pads, or saunas.
Ensure when using either method you are monitoring your skin to ensure there is no breakdown from something being too hot or too cold. Remember 20 minutes on and 20 minute off.
Jenilee Brooks- RN
Don’t hesitate to call Jenilee at 1-306-831-7418 to book your appointment for you or your loved one.